When you study at the Ofsted Outstanding, EKC Broadstairs College, you benefit from expert teaching, a thriving student experience, and excellent student support.
Our website allows you to explore our facilities and discover videos of our students who share their experience.
If you have decided on a course or study programme, find out how to apply for EKC Broadstairs College.
Our College team are here to support you in a number of ways, such as to help you explore your options.
Our Facilities
Broadstairs College’s facilities are available to all students and staff.
The Refectory located on the third floor, caters for breakfast and main meals plus a wide range of Hot Snacks, Fresh Baguettes and Sandwiches.
Inspire Coffee Shop
Our Inspire Coffee Shop is open during the day, serving food and hot and cold drinks including a selection of Coffees, Teas and Hot Chocolate.
Our Catering students get to work in this Coffee Shop as part of their course, and serve and cook for our student community.